Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Yard for Sale, A Bomb in our House and The Beer River

While putting Ruby's clothes away, Savannah approaches me with a very serious question, but discusses it in a very casual, matter-of-fact way....

"Mom, will our house ever blow up?"
"Probably never."
"Well what if a bad guy puts a bomb in it?"
"Well, then our house will probably blow up."
"Oh. Okay."


While watching the opening song of Seussical the Musical Cade groans under his breath,
"Mooooom, this song just keeps going on forever and ever and ever! When will it stop?"


There's a girl in our neighborhood who Cade is certain has a crush on him. As such, he avoids her and won't even so much as look at her, in fear that he might actually act like he likes her too and then get teased for it.  Well, we happen to be good friends with the family and they had us over for dinner. Cade put on his imaginary "I'm avoiding you" goggles and immediately went to work on totally ignoring this sweet girl. To say her feelings were hurt would be a serious understatement. Not long later, all of our kids were happily buzzing around the yard chasing, squealing and laughing with each other, running through the stream in the garden, which my kids were referring to as "the river" -- or as Savannah would say, "the Wivah."

This morning, Cade woke me up excitedly to share his latest epiphany on the whole matter:

"Mom. I think there's beer in the river.  So anytime I am not liking Addie, I just need to go to the river and play in it and we'll be friends again. Don't you think?"

"Um, no Cade. I don't think there is beer in the river."

"No Mom. I think the SPIRIT is in the river You know, like the Holy Ghost?  He helps me to be nice and have fun and be friends with Addie."

Thursday, January 6, 2011

savvy's style

Kyle brought in the mail a few evenings ago and a catalog magazine caught Savannah's eye. She grabbed it and immediately began perusing the magazine very excitedly, jumping up to show us each page that she loved, which was about every single page in the magazine.

She later sprawled herself on the carpeted family room floor to examine the pages more closely, and in a whisper to herself exclaimed,  "This is the most beautiful magazine," and sighed contentedly.

The magazine?  

Pottery Barn Kids.

Gotta admit it, the girl has taste.

While preparing lunch today, Savannah exclaimed cheerfully, "When I grow up, I'm going to be the NICEST mommy in the world."

"You're not going to be mean like me?" I asked, thinking she'd surely correct me and tell me I'm not mean.

In a very pleasant, matter-of-fact way she responded, "No. Not like you."

Good to know I'm doing my job right.

While munching on her favorite post-lunch treat, pop-corn, Savannah initiated a very important discussion:

"Mommy, when you and Daddy get old, can you move to another house?"


"Cuz I wanna live here when I grow up. And there can't be two mommies in this house."

Of course.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

If you were a fly...

... in the car you would hear Savvy discuss the following:

"Mom, when I get married, I never ever want to be pregnant. Because it's so hard to have a baby in your tummy and take care of it. I don't wanna frow up and be sick."

...and you would hear Cade wonder aloud,

"Mom, how come you're not more like Aunt Rebecca? She never gets grumpy."

If you were a fly at the kitchen table, you'd hear Kyle plead,

"Hon, could you not buy anymore pre-shucked corn? It makes me feel like a yuppie."

My darling family is always good for a laugh.

--JULY 2010

While hiking in Zion's National Park...

"Woah, Mom! Did you just see that huge branch I pulled off?"

"Sure did, Cade!"

"I'm getting so strong. It must have been from all that jerky I ate yesterday."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our little Sassafrass

Me: Time to do your hair, sis!

Savvy: No. I like it slicked-back-rabbit-style*.

Me: (trying not to laugh at her funny mouthful of words) Why?

Savvy: Because I like it, (singing now) I love it, I want some more of it... I tried so hard..da da da dadaaahh...

Where did she come from?

*the way daddy combs it back after she bathes

Monday, January 18, 2010

the power of God....and more :)

A prayer given by Savannah:
"...And please bless my hair that it won't be ragga."  (as in ragamuffin)

From a prayer given by Cade

"...Bless Savannah that she won't be mean."

Cade to Savannah:
"Savannah, I know what you need to do the next time Tyler is mean to you!  Hold out your hand and say 'Stop! I have the power of God!'  And then God will shock him."

Savannah to the video camera when asked what her name is:
"Savannah Lee Woodbury dot com."

Cade, after being put to bed about 30 minutes prior,
"Mom, I have an emergency."
Me: "What's up?"
"I need to talk to you about something very important.  Melody told me she's not allergic to dogs OR puppies. Only cats and kitties. So that means we can get a DOG!!!"

December 2009

When I grow up

Savvy: Mom, I want to be a boy when I grow up.

Me: Why?

Savvy: Because. Because, because if I'm a boy, then I can go to school!

Me: Did you know that girls go to school, too? When you turn five that's when you can go.

Savvy: Yeah, but.... I still want to be a boy.

November 2009