Thursday, January 6, 2011

savvy's style

Kyle brought in the mail a few evenings ago and a catalog magazine caught Savannah's eye. She grabbed it and immediately began perusing the magazine very excitedly, jumping up to show us each page that she loved, which was about every single page in the magazine.

She later sprawled herself on the carpeted family room floor to examine the pages more closely, and in a whisper to herself exclaimed,  "This is the most beautiful magazine," and sighed contentedly.

The magazine?  

Pottery Barn Kids.

Gotta admit it, the girl has taste.

While preparing lunch today, Savannah exclaimed cheerfully, "When I grow up, I'm going to be the NICEST mommy in the world."

"You're not going to be mean like me?" I asked, thinking she'd surely correct me and tell me I'm not mean.

In a very pleasant, matter-of-fact way she responded, "No. Not like you."

Good to know I'm doing my job right.

While munching on her favorite post-lunch treat, pop-corn, Savannah initiated a very important discussion:

"Mommy, when you and Daddy get old, can you move to another house?"


"Cuz I wanna live here when I grow up. And there can't be two mommies in this house."

Of course.